Sep 06, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)



Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)

UMF recognizes that students may gain college-level learning from work and life experiences. UMF awards academic credit to enrolled students for demonstrated learning from such experiences through its Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) program. 

There are three ways UMF students can gain credit for prior learning:

 1. Credit by examination 

UMF accepts college credit for successful completion of AP, CLEP, DSST, International Baccalaureate (IB), as well as ACTFL, ASLPI,  and BYU FLATS language exams. Credit by examination is not currently a CPL option for graduate students. Official reports of test scores should be sent from the organization offering the test directly to  

2. Credit for Professional Certifications, Licenses, Training, and Other Learning

American Council on Education (ACE) recognized learning

Courses from non-accredited training organizations may be granted transfer credit if they are recognized by the American Council on Education (ACE).  The courses must carry a credit recommendation from ACE and be categorized as lower division, upper division, or graduate level. Credit will not be granted for courses at the vocational level.

*An official ACE transcript must be submitted for courses to be considered for transfer credit.

*Credit will be awarded at the ACE recommended level (1xx or 3xx).

*Credit will be designated as general elective credit for subjects with no comparable discipline at UMF, program elective credit, or for a specific course if the ACE recommendation aligns with an existing course.

For details on requesting ACE transcripts, click here. Have your transcript sent directly from ACE to You can also find the ACE National Guide here

Other certifications, licenses, training, and professional development

UMF will review for credit certifications, licenses, training, and other professional development which have been clearly documented the following:

  1. Learning outcomes

  2. Methods of assessment

  3. Role of subject-matter experts 

Approval of credit(s) award(ed) for certification, licensure, training, and other professional development programs are typically valid for five years, at which time another review of the program is required.  

Students can find approved certifications, licenses, training, and other professional development programs posted on UMF’s website here with information on how to submit documentation of these credentials or training for credit. 

Students whose workplace or professional learning does not meet these requirements are advised to use the portfolio review process to document their learning

3. Credit by portfolio review

Portfolio Review allows students to demonstrate and earn credit for college-level learning from professional experiences, community work, or personal pursuits. Portfolios usually include documentation of and reflection upon student learning experiences. To learn more about credit by portfolio review, email 

Credits earned via Portfolio Review count as residential credit.

The fee for Portfolio Assessment is $50 per credit hour.


UMS institutions recognize CPL credit awarded by any other UMS institution.  Equivalent course credit to the credit awarded will be given by any subsequent UMS institution unless a better equivalence can be given based on the receiving institution’s equivalency rules.

Credit will not be reevaluated by the second UMS institution unless such an evaluation stands to benefit the student by awarding a more precise and/or useful course equivalent.

There is no guarantee that CPL credit awarded by one of the institutions in the University of Maine System will be accepted at colleges and institutions outside the UMS.

CPL Appeals 

Students may appeal a CPL decision in writing to the Provost’s Office within 30 days of notification of the decision.

CPL Residency Policy

Credits earned through external exam or external credential review are considered transfer credit.  Thus, the CPL credits earned in the following ways cannot be used to meet UMF residency requirements:

  • Advanced Placement (AP) credits

  • College Level Exam Program (CLEP) Exam credits

  • International Baccalaureate (IB) credits

  • Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support Subject Standardized Tests (DANTES DSST) Exam credits

  • American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Proficiency Exams

  • American Sign Language Proficiency Exam (ASLPI)

  • Brigham Young University Foreign Language Achievement Exams (BYU FLATS) 

  • Seal of Bilingualism/Biliteracy

  • External Training/Credential Review credits

  • Military Training credits

However, credits earned through UMF’s CPL portfolio process may be used to meet residency as long as the following criteria are meet: 

  • The student is matriculated,

  • The portfolio is evaluated by UMF faculty.

No CPL opportunity will impact a student’s GPA in any way, regardless of the score a student earns on the exam.  No credits earned through CPL at another University of Maine System institution will count toward the residency requirements for UMF.  Exceptions to the CPL residency policy must be approved by the Chair of the Division in which the student’s major resides.

CPL Credit Limits

With the exception of portfolio credits as noted above, CPL credits function like transfer credits for Bachelor’s Degree students. While there is no limit on CPL credits for Bachelor’s Degree students, they will not benefit from CPL credits in excess of what they need for degree requirements.  

Students in Master’s Degree and certificate programs of 30 credits or more may earn a maximum of 9 credits via CPL if applicable to their program of study. 

Students in certificate programs of less than 30 credits must receive permission from the appropriate Division Head to be eligible for CPL. If given permission, they may not earn more than 25% of their credits via CPL.

Non-degree students must receive permission from the appropriate Division Head to be eligible for Portfolio Assessment.