Feb 18, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Admissions Criteria

Application Procedure for All Students

UMF accepts the Common Application and the University of Maine System Application, both of which can be found on our website www.farmington.edu/apply. Paper applications may be available upon request.

All applicants (first-year and transfer) are responsible for delivering the Request for Academic Records to their high school guidance office to be completed and returned to the Shared Processing Center or The Office of Admission. Applicants are responsible for making sure that all necessary documents are submitted in a timely manner.

Secondary School Background

Statement on College Readiness by the Chief Academic Officers of the University of Maine System:

While the seven campuses of the University of Maine System have different criteria for admission and placement, they all share a common understanding of what comprises an optimal, college-ready high school transcript. Students who succeed in college and graduate on time usually have the following high school preparation in the core academic areas:

Four years of English courses that incorporate a variety of texts (fiction, non-fiction, essays, memoirs, journalism) and that emphasize expository and analytic writing skills.

Four years of mathematics courses that include at least algebra I and II, geometry, and a 12th grade college-preparatory math course that provides a solid foundation in quantitative and algebraic reasoning. For those students planning to major in mathematics, science, or a technical or professional field that requires advanced math skills, a pre-calculus or calculus course is strongly recommended.

At least three years of laboratory science - offered as either separate courses or as integrated core classes that include the study of biology, chemistry, and physics. Science courses should emphasize the writing of technical reports and the quantitative representations and analyses of data.

At least three years of history and social science in courses that emphasize reading of primary and secondary texts, writing of analytic and expository essays, and use of quantitative data and research findings.

At least two years of study in a language other than English - including ASL American Sign Language.

Admission Criteria for the University of Maine Farmington (UMF)

The degree of academic challenge in your high school program of study and rank-in-class (a numerical comparison with other seniors) are significant in the admission decision. Preference is given to students who graduate in the upper half of their senior classes with a well-planned program of sequential college preparatory courses. Note: Applicants over 25 years old are evaluated on their present motivation and readiness for college in addition to their secondary school record and/or GED results.

Following is a list of college preparatory level course units that are required or recommended for all applicants:

Subject Required Recommended
English 4 units elective courses of interest
World Language 0* units 2 to 4 units in the same world language
Mathematics 3 units: equivalent to algebra I and II, geometry 4-5 units: pre-calculus, statistics, trigonometry, calculus, depending on a major area of interest in college
Laboratory Science 2 units (beyond earth science) 3-4 units, depending on area of interest
Social Science 2 3-4 units, depending on area of interest
    Other electives to complete requirements for high school diploma Honors level and Advanced Placement courses, as well as courses that relate to intended major area of interest in college

*Some UMF academic majors require world language proficiency which can be met by one year of foreign language study at UMF or by two years of the same world language in high school.


Another important measurement of maturity and motivation is the official high school evaluation/recommendation written by your school counselor, teacher, or principal. This recommendation is submitted as part of the secondary school transcript and is required for admission. Applicants may submit additional recommendations from other individuals who could provide the admission staff with more insight into the merits of an application.



Accepted students are welcome to confirm their place in the incoming class any time before or on May 1 (for the fall semester) or January 1 (for the spring semester). An enrollment deposit of $50* received by the Office of Admission will reserve the student’s place in the incoming class. The enrollment deposit will be credited toward semester charges at the time of registration. The enrollment deposit for the fall semester is refundable by request in writing until May 1, and for the spring semester until January 1.

*Subject to change.


Admission is not final until the student has satisfactorily completed all high school and admission requirements. The University reserves the right to cancel the acceptance of any applicant when deemed necessary because of changes in academic achievement or emotional readiness for college. In accordance with Maine State law, any UMF student born after 1956 must provide certification of immunization for measles, rubella, diphtheria, and tetanus in the form of a copy of a school health record or physician’s record documenting immunity. No student will be able to register without filing the necessary proof of certification.

Exceptions to this policy are made on the basis of a physician’s written statement that immunization is medically inadvisable. Other exceptions may be made on the basis of sincere religious, moral, or philosophical beliefs, or for other personal reasons. The staff at the UMF Student Health Center can answer any questions about the immunization requirement.

Early Action

UMF offers an Early Action program for the fall semester whereby selected applicants are informed of acceptance before the end of December. In order to apply, UMF’s plan does not require enrollment, nor does it exclude from consideration, applicants who have submitted applications to other institutions. Applications received from students which are complete by November 15 will be considered for Early Action.

Standardized Tests

UMF does not require the SAT or other standardized tests for admission, and students are asked on their admission application whether they would prefer their scores to be considered or not to be considered when the application is reviewed.

Visits to the University

We recommend a visit to the University because a campus visit is the best way for prospective students and their family members to learn about any college. To schedule a visit, you can register at visit.farmington.edu, call 207-778-7050, or write to umfadmit@maine.edu. Individual appointments are available most weekdays throughout the year as well as a limited number of Saturdays. Open houses and accepted student days are held at various times throughout the year. Advanced registration is required for tours and for information sessions but is required for interviews.    Visit us: https://www.umf.maine.edu/admissions-aid/visit-us/

Part-time Study

UMF admits a limited number of students who choose to enroll for fewer than twelve credits per semester. The application procedure for part-time degree status is the same as for full-time status. Once accepted, part-time degree students work with faculty advisors to plan course selections.

New England Regional Student Program

Students from other New England states can apply for admission to a variety of programs of study at UMF as New England Regional Students, through a cooperative effort directed by the New England Board of Higher Education. Eligible majors may differ by New England state. Applicants to these programs qualify for significantly reduced tuition. Further information on the New England Regional Student Program is available from high school guidance offices, the UMF Office of Admission, or by writing to NEBHE, New England Board of Higher Education, 45 Temple Place, Boston, MA 02111.

Canadian Students

In recognition of the close ties between the State of Maine and Canada, the University of Maine System has approved a special tuition rate for Canadian citizens who are residing in Canada and applying for admission as international students. This tuition rate is equal to the In-State tuition rate.

International Students

UMF welcomes students from around the world, enrolling students from countries in Western and Eastern Europe, Asia, and Africa. Students who wish to attend UMF must have completed their secondary education, must demonstrate proficiency in English if English is not their first language, and must meet the requirements for an F-1 student visa, including the ability to document adequate financial resources to support their study in the USA. International applicants must submit all required materials to the Office of Admission by March 1 for the fall semester.

Information about the admission process, as well as applications and International Student Data Forms, may be obtained from the UMF Web site: www.umf.maine.edu

Applicants must submit official high school and college records accompanied by certified English translations, and TOEFL or IELTS scores if English is not their first language. To meet UMF’s requirement of proficiency in English, the minimum required scores are 79 on the TOEFL and 6.000 on the IELTS. TOEFL or IELTS scores may be waived for applicants who have completed a minimum of two (2) years of course instruction taught in English. Also, documentation that adequate finances are available to meet educational costs are required. Full documentation of the availability of funds to cover total first year costs is required in order for UMF to issue the I-20 form, which is required to apply for an F-1 student visa. A limited number of partial tuition waivers may be available.

Students who have previously taken postsecondary coursework at an institution outside of the United States or Canada are required to submit their transcripts to a professional credentialing agency for evaluation at the time of application. For further information, contact the Office of Admission.

A special orientation and other support programs assist our international students’ adjustment to the University and the region. UMF is authorized under federal law to enroll non-immigrant alien students.

Transfer Admission Criteria

Each academic year UMF enrolls transfer candidates who have successfully completed academic work at colleges and universities throughout the United States and abroad.

Transfer students who do not have an Associate’s Degree from an accredited college or university must submit a high school transcript and meet the rest of the requirements for the program for which they submitted an application.

Instructional programs at institutions of higher education differ widely. This means that major and elective courses taken at other institutions have to be matched against requirements at UMF to make sure the same objectives are reached. Students will be expected to meet the established requirements of the academic program into which they transfer, and appropriate application of credits is the responsibility of that academic division. Transfers are required to complete at least 32 credits at UMF. Students with no more than 32 credits may apply as an undecided/undeclared major.

Transfer credit is awarded only for courses taken at two-year and four-year regionally accredited institutions. Only courses in which the student has earned a grade of C-minus or higher will be transferred. Grades in courses accepted by UMF for transfer credit are recorded on the student’s transcript, but they are not computed into the student’s UMF grade point average. In some cases, divisions may determine that a previously taken course is obsolete and needs to be repeated in order to update course material. Courses that are more than seven years old are not automatically applied to program requirements for a major; rather, a course-by-course analysis will be made by the division to determine whether the course content is still appropriate to meet program requirements. Appeals regarding decisions about the transferability of credits are made to division chairpersons.

Transfer agreements with the Maine Community College System identify courses for each institution that are equivalent to the major and general education degree requirements at UMF. These agreements provide for a smooth transition from the transfer school to UMF.

The transfer articulation agreements are as follows:

Articulation With Articulation Program
Central Maine Community College Early Childhood Education
Eastern Maine Community College  
Kennebec Valley Community College Early Childhood Special Education*
  Early Childhood Education
Northern Maine Community College  
Southern Maine Community College Early Childhood Education
Washington County Community College  
York County Community College Early Childhood Education

UMF participates in a guaranteed admission agreement between the Maine Community College System and the University of Maine System. If you are interested in transferring to UMF from the Maine Community College System, meet with the transfer advisor at your community college to establish your University connection and to make sure you are meeting the UMF requirements. With careful course selection, Maine Community College System students who earn an Associate of Arts in Liberal Studies can complete a B.A. in selected programs at UMF with two years of additional course work.

Transfer Admission Criteria

Academic majors are housed in various divisions. Admission criteria may differ slightly among divisions and/or majors. Transcripts for college courses in progress must be sent to UMF when the semester is complete.

Advising and course registration conferences with faculty members are normally scheduled by the academic departments after transfer students are admitted and pay a confirmation deposit. Transfers are invited to register for classes during the same registration period as current students.

UMF considers all students equally for financial assistance, and transfer applicants should meet financial aid deadlines. Transfers are encouraged to participate in the annual welcoming events for new students.

For further information about transfers, contact the UMF Office of Admission.


 Transfer of Military Credit

Students should submit a copy of their Joint Services transcript to be evaluated. Credit for military work will be evaluated based on recommendations of the American Council on Education (ACE) and will correspond to subject areas offered at the University of Maine.  Only courses recommended at the upper or lower baccalaureate level will be considered for transfer credit. 

A maximum of 15 credits will be allowed as military transfer credit (not including prior experiential learning and credit for standardized tests) and the courses will count as elective credit only unless an exception is made.  The process for an exception is as follows: the student should contact his or her Assistant Registrar who will forward the material to the appropriate department chair or faculty member who will make the appropriate decision. 

Credit for military experience: credit for learning due to duties or a position in the military is considered prior learning and will be considered in the same way as other prior experiential learning.  

Reverse Transfer Partnership:

If you transfer to one of Maine’s public universities before completing your associate degree or certificate at a Maine community college, you may be able to transfer credits earned at the university back to your community college to satisfy associate degree or certificate requirements. For more information on this program, please contact the Office of Admissions.

COVID Grading Exception:

The University of Maine System approved a short-term policy change to permit the acceptance of Pass (P) and Low Pass (LP) transfer grades for general education credit for the Spring 2020 semester and the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 academic years. If you transferred into the UMS during this time period with these types of grades, please contact the UMF Registrar’s Office for more information (registrar@umf.maine.edu or 207-778-7238).


UMF welcomes applications from veterans of the armed forces. Arrangements for benefits under the various Veteran Assistance Programs must be made through the Department of Veterans Affairs at 1-888-442-4551 or www.gibill.va.gov. Some information also is available from the VA Certifying Official in the Merrill Center. Credit for military schooling will be evaluated in accordance with the American Council on Education recommendations on a case-by-case basis.

The Admissions Office will refrain from high-pressure recruitment tactics such as making multiple unsolicited contacts (3 or more), including contacts by phone, email, or in person, and engaging in same-day recruitment and registration for the purpose of securing Service member enrollments.


Former students who wish to return to UMF may obtain applications for re-entry from the Merrill Center for Student Services. Students who left the University in good standing are eligible to apply for re-entry to any regular academic semester, but re-entry is not automatic. See Re-entry to the University under Academic Policies for further information.

Students who have been suspended will not ordinarily be considered for readmission until a full academic year has passed. Students seeking readmission should write to the Associate Provost and Dean of Arts and Sciences, explaining why they believe they are ready to resume studies. Evidence of achievement while away from UMF (such as letters of recommendation from employers and academic transcripts) should be included with the letter.

Students who have been suspended twice ordinarily will not be considered for readmission for five years.

A student who has been suspended for disciplinary reasons must obtain clearance from the Vice President for Student Affairs before the application is acted upon by the Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost.

Re-admission form


Students who are requesting to live in on-campus housing must submit the completed residence life Housing Application and Room & Board Contract. All first year students are required to live on campus.

High School Transcripts

The University of Maine at Farmington requires first year students to have earned a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent in order to be admitted to one of its programs of study.

Deferral of Admission

Admitted students may request to defer/delay their entry to Farmington for a semester or a full year. Students should discuss this process with the Office of Admissions but can find additional information and the steps to make the request as well as deferral agreement at https://www.umf.maine.edu/admissions-aid/deferring/.