Campus | Course Code/ Number | Course Title | Online, In-person, hybrid, other |
UMA | POS/BUA246E | Policy & Politics/Finance & Analytics | In-person, summer |
UMA | POS/BUA247E | Laws & Licensing/Supply Chains & Operations | In-person, summer |
UMF | BUS 130 | Introduction to Recreation | In-person |
UMF | BUS 222 | Hospitality Management | |
UMF | BUS 229 | Alpine Operations Leadership and Management | |
UMF | BUS 260 | Resort Management | in person |
UMF | EPP 260 /GEO 260 | Sustainable Tourism | synchronous online |
UMF | EPP 340 /GEO 340 | Sustainable Land Use | in person and synchronous online |
UMF | GEO 219 | Geography of Maine | in person and synchronous online |
UMF | REC 103 | Principles and Practices of the River Industry | in person |
UMF | REC 104 | Principles and Practices of Camping and Hiking | |
UMF | REC 105 | Principles and Practices of the Golf Industry | in person |
UMF | REC 106 | Principles and Practices of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife in Maine | |
UMF | REC 107 | Principles and Practices of Adventure Education | |
UMF | REC 132 | Recreation of Western Maine | |
UMF | REC 133 | Outdoor Recreation Leadership and Management | |
UMF | REC 177 / REC 277 / REC 377 | Topics in Recreation | |
UMFK | ENV 102 | Introduction to the Wilderness and Outdoors | |
UMFK | ENV 107 | Fundamentals Of Outdoor Equipment | |
UMFK | ENV 108 | Fundamentals of Outdoor Winter Recreation | |
UMFK | ENV 111 | Water Recreation and Stewardship | |
UMFK | ENV 315 | Principles of Captive Wildlife | |
UMFK | FOR 100 | Introduction to Forestry | |
UMFK | HTY 382 | Conservation and Environmental History | |
UMFK | PSA 230 | Wilderness First Aid | |
UM | SFR 150 | Introduction to Tourism | |
UM | SFR 228 | Forest Recreation Management | in person |
UM | SFR 301 | Field Course in Parks, Recreation and Tourism | in person |
UM | SFR 347 | Special Problems in Parks, Recreation, and Tourism | |
UM | SFR 393 | Cooperative Education in Parks, Recreation, and Tourism | |
UM | SFR 396 | Internship in Parks, Recreation and Tourism | |
UM | SFR 399 | Field Experience in Parks, Recreation and Tourism | |
UM | SFR 434 | Recreation Site Planning and Management | in person |
UM | SFR 437 | Ecotourism: Principles, Trends, and Issues | |
UM | SFR 479 | Environmental Attitudes and Behavior | in person |
UM | SFR 480 | Wilderness and Protected Area Management | in-person |
UM | SFR 491 | Senior Capstone in Parks, Recreation and Tourism | |
UM | SFR 493 | Sustainable Tourism Planning | |
UM | GEO 212 / HTY 212 | Geography of Maine | |
UM | MES 201 | The Maine Coast | |
UM | KPE 280 | Introduction to Paddling Safety and Instruction | online, followed by two week in person after spring semester ends |
UM | KPE 286 | Introduction to Outdoor Leadership and Facilitation | In-person, with required weekend trip. (This course is 1 credit.) |
UM | KPE 450 | Bringing the Classroom Outdoors | Hybrid online w/ required in person intensive week. This is a new course, still under review. |
UM | KPE 311 | Advanced Methods of Instructing Outdoor Activities | |
UM | KPE 411 | Ethics and social justice in outdoor leadership | Online asynchronous |
UM | KPE 265 | Outdoor and Adventure Activities | in person |
UM | KPE 209 | Wilderness First Responder | hybrid online and 5 day in person intensive; Even spring semesters |
UMPI | REC 232 | Program Development and Planning | |
UMPI | REC 234 | Outdoor Pursuits I | in person |
UMPI | REC 235 | Outdoor Pursuits II | in person |
UMPI | REC 261 /CRJ 261 | Outdoor wildlife | in person |
UMPI | REC 262 /CRJ 262 | Outdoor Recreational Safety | in person |
UMPI | REC 374 | Wilderness Expedition Skills | |
UMPI | REC 360 | Ropes Course Management | |
UMPI | REC 495 | Internship | |
UMM | REM 116 | Basic Camping Skills | In-person, could be combined with REM 121 |
UMM | REM 117 | Outdoor Recreation Activities (Topics course) | hybrid w/required in-person lab; could be combined with REM 121 |
UMM | REM 121 | Intro to Outdoor Recreation Management | in-person and distance synchronous |
UMM | REM 125 | Sailing and Basic Seamanship | in-person, offerings vary. |
UMM | REM 201 | Activity Leadership and Facilitation | in-person |
UMM | REM 210 | Nature-Based Tourism & Sustainable Development | |
UMM | REM 211 | Wildlife Law | in-person |
UMM | REM 212 | Wilderness First Responder | hybrid online w/required in-person 5 day session |
UMM | REM 219 | Introduction to Tourism | in-person and distance synchronous |
UMM | REM 221 | Fundamentals of Search and Rescue | in-person and distance synchronous, with required 2-day field experience |
UMM | REM 222 | Rescue Diver | |
UMM | REM 226 | Recreation Program Planning | in-person |
UMM | REM 227 | Backcountry Expedition Skills | hybrid online w/required in-person 2-week field experience |
UMM | REM 230 | Outdoor Leadership | in-person |
UMM | REM 231 | Leave No Trace Trainer | hybrid online w/required in-person 2-day, overnight field experience |
UMM | REM 311 | Inclusive Recreation | in-person and distance synchronous |
UMM | REM 314 | Facility Operations & Design | distance synchronous |
UMM | REM 317 | Principles of Experiential Education | |
UMM | REM 327 | Recreation Behavior & the Environment | in-person |
UMM | REM 412 | Interpretation of Natural & Cultural Resources | distance synchronous |
UMM | REM 431 | Visitor Management in Conservation Areas | |
UMM | REM 442 | Recreation Seminar | in-person and distance synchronous |
UMM | REM 443 | Recreation Leadership Practicum | |
USM | ANT 262 | Women, Arts & Global Tourism | |
USM | BUS 319 | Sport Tourism | |
USM | REC 110 | Foundations of Recreation and Leisure Studies | Taught online- asynchronous |
USM | REC 121 | Introduction to Therapeutic Recreation Services | hybrid, online is asynchronous |
USM | REC 223 | Introduction to Nature Tourism | hybrid, online is asynchronous |
USM | REC 226 | Lifetime Leisure Activities | online - asynchronous |
USM | REC 231 | Expressive Arts Programming | in- person |
USM | REC 232 | Methods in Therapeutic Recreation Program Design | hybrid, online is asynchronous |
USM | REC 233 | Outdoor Recreation | hybrid, online is asynchronous |
USM | REC 241 | Recreation Leadership | hybrid, online is asynchronous |
USM | REC 253 | Implications of Disabling Conditions for Therapeutic Recreation | online - asynchronous |
USM | REC 285 | Perspectives on Animal-Assisted Therapy | online - asynchronous |
USM | REC 311 | Psychosocial Interventions for Older Adults | hybrid, online is asynchronous |
USM | REC 314 | Wellness Education and Counseling | in- person |
USM | REC 324 | Inclusive and Special Recreation | hybrid, online is asynchronous |
USM | REC 367 | Adventure Based Counseling | in- person |
USM | REC 382 | Assessment and Documentation in Therapeutic Recreation | hybrid, online is asynchronous |
USM | REC 383 | Facilitation Techniques in Therapeutic Recreation | hybrid, online is asynchronous |
USM | REC 386 | Recreation Facility Design and Maintenance | online - asynchronous |
USM | REC 390 | Topics in Recreation and Leisure Studies | Varies |
USM | REC 398 | Independent Study | Varies- online asynchronous |
USM | REC 494 | - Professional Foundations of Therapeutic Recreation Practice | hybrid, online is asynchronous |
USM | REC 495 | Internship | online - asynchronous |
USM | REC 498 | Management and Professional Development in Therapeutic Recreation | hybrid, online is asynchronous |
USM | TAH 101 | Introduction to Tourism & Hospitality | |
USM | TAH 150 | Professional Practices Immersion in Tourism & Hospitality | |
USM | TAH 211 | Tourism Entrepreneurship | hyflex |
USM | TAH 221 | Hospitality Management | |
USM | TAH 222 | Food and Beverage Management | hyflex |
USM | TAH 224 | Off-site Catering | |
USM | TAH 226 | Wellness Tourism | |
USM | TAH 228 | Introduction to the Craft Beer Sector | |
USM | TAH 241 | Sustainable Tourism Development | |
USM | TAH 250 | Nature Tourism | |
USM | TAH 261 | Cultural Tourism | |
USM | TAH 264 | Culinary Tourism | |
USM | TAH 299 | Topics in Tourism & Hospitality | |
USM | TAH 301 | Global Issues in Travel & Tourism | asynch online |
USM | TAH 302 | Tourism Research Methods | |
USM | TAH 305 | Culture & Communication in the Travel Industry | |
USM | TAH 307 | Field Study in Tourism & Hospitality | |
USM | TAH 309 | Tourism & Hospitality Internship | |
USM | TAH 311 | Event Management | hyflex |
USM | TAH 312 | Tour Planning & Management | |
USM | TAH 320 | Green Meetings and Events | |
USM | TAH 321 | Lodging Operations & Systems | |
USM | TAH 331 | Sustainable Hospitality Management | |
USM | TAH 361 | Local Food & Agritourism | hyflex |
USM | TAH 399 | Advanced Topics in Tourism & Hospitality | |
USM | TAH 409 | Capstone: Tourism & Hospitality Internship | scheduled with instructor |
USM | TAH 415 | Trends & Innovation in Tourism and Hospitality | |
USM | TAH 422 | Hospitality Law and HR | |
USM | TAH 424 | Hospitality Financial Management | |
USM | TAH 426 | Beverage Operations | |
USM | TAH 432 | Sustainable Tourism Policy & Planning | |
USM | TAH 497 | Independent Study in Tourism & Hospitality | |